At the end of a wonderfully busy (and hugely chatty) day, we closed the doors on the Wolverhampton Camera Fair. I think sellers and buyers will agree that after the long hiatus, it's marvellous to be back!

Our thanks go to all our dealer friends who laid out their stalls with a wonderful array of gear.
It was very hard to resist leaving our sales tables unmanned and just spending the day stalking about for treasures

There were some great deals to be had. And some hard bargaining at every corner.

The huge variety of stock, buyers and interests was, as always, wonderfully unpredictable...

...Which is, of course, what makes the show such a pleasure.
And to see so many young and very keen photographers stalking the tables was just brilliant to see.

Film is not dead, that's for sure.
Pick up a film camera and let's go 'Back to the Future'!